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Teflon® Encapsulated O-Ring Part Numbering System M-Cor Inc

Teflon® Encapsulated O-Ring

Encapsulated O-Ring

This guide explains how to read and understand the part numbering system for Teflon® Encapsulated O-Rings.

Part Number Format Custom Size Format

M – TE – FEP – SI – 70 – RD – XXX – 2354.530 – 6 – XXX – XXX

Breakdown of the Code O-Rings

Section Description
M or I Measurement system: M = Metric (millimeters), I = Imperial (inches)
TE Type: Teflon® Encapsulated
FEP or PFA Encapsulation material: FEP (Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene) or PFA (Perfluoroalkoxy)

Elastomer Core:

  • SI = Silicone
  • FK = Viton®/FKM
  • EP = Ethylene Propylene
  • SH = Silicone Hollow
  • FH = Viton®/FKM Hollow
  • EH = Ethylene Propylene Hollow
70 Durometer (Hardness): 70 Shore A
WT, RD, BL Color: WT = White, RD = Red, BL = Black
XXX Dash Number (AS568 standard)
2354.530 Inside Diameter (in millimeters or inches)
6 Cross-section (in millimeters)
XXX-XXX Optional: FDA, USP, or other special requirements

Visual Breakdown

M - TE - FEP - SI - 70 - RD - XXX
|    |    |      |    |    |    |    
|    |    |      |    |    |    └─ Dash # (AS568 standard)if applicable  
|    |    |      |    |    └─ Color (White, Red, Black)  
|    |    |      |    └─ Durometer (70 Shore A)(50 Shore A) 
|    |    |      └─ Elastomer Core (Silicone, Viton, etc.)  
|    |    └─ Encapsulation (FEP or PFA)  
|    └─ Type (Teflon Encapsulated)  
└─ Measurement System (Metric or Imperial)  
2354.530 - 6 - XXX - XXX
|        |       |       
|        |       └─ Special Codes (FDA, USP, etc.)  
|        └─ Cross-section (in mm)  
└─ Inside Diameter (in mm or inches)  


Standard Size AS/BS Standard o-ring



  • M = Metric
  • TE = Teflon Encapsulated
  • FEP = Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene Coating
  • SI = Silicone Core
  • 70 = 70 Shore A Durometer
  • RD = Red Color
  • 214 = AS568 Dash Number
  • 24.99 mm = Inside Diameter
  • 3.53mm = Cross-section
  • FDA = Special Compliance

This part is a Metric measurement, Teflon® , FEP, Silicone, 70 durometer core, 24.99 mm inside diameter, 3.53 mm cross-sectionFDA o-ring


Teflon® Encapsulated Camlock Gasket Part Numbering System M-Cor Inc

Encapsulated GasketsThis guide explains how to read and understand the part numbering system for M-Cor Inc  Teflon® Encapsulated Camlock Gaskets 


Part Number Format Cam Lock Gasket

                                           M – TE – FEP – SI – 70 – RD – XXX – XXX – XXX

Breakdown of the Code Teflon® Encapsulated Cam Lock Gaskets

Section Description
 I Measurement system:  I = Imperial (inches)
TE Type: Teflon® Encapsulated
FEP or PFA Encapsulation material: FEP (Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene)
SI, FK, 

Elastomer Core:

  • SI = Silicone
  • FK = Viton®/FKM
70 Durometer (Hardness): 70 Shore A
WT, RD, BL Color: WT = White, RD = Red, BL = Black
XXX Gasket Size i.e. 500,100,150,200,250,300 and 400
  500 in Silicone only
XXX-XXX Optional: FDA, USP, or other special requirements

Visual Breakdown

I - TE - FEP - SI - 70 - RD - XXX
|    |    |      |    |    |    |    
|    |    |      |    |    |    └─ Gasket # 
|    |    |      |    |    └─ Color (White, Red, Black)  
|    |    |      |    └─ Durometer (70 Shore A) 
|    |    |      └─ Elastomer Core (Silicone, Viton)  
|    |    └─ Encapsulation (FEP or PFA)  
|    └─ Type (Teflon Encapsulated)  
└─ Measurement System (Metric or Imperial)  
└─ Special Codes (FDA, USP, etc.)  


Standard Encap-O- Lock Gasket



  • I = Imperial
  • TE = Teflon Encapsulated
  • FEP = Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene Coating
  • SI = Silicone Core
  • 70 = 70 Shore A Durometer
  • RD = Red Color
  • 100= 1 inch gasket
  • FDA = Special Compliance

This part is a Inch measurement, Teflon® , FEP, Silicone, 70 durometer coreFDA Gasket