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Compliance’s: A Complete list for review


The clear encapsulation of the M-COR Encap-O-Seal Teflon®-Encapsulated O-ring is made using only 100% virgin resins. To be more specific, the encapsulation of the Encap-O-Seal is manufactured from FEP and PFA resins that are made from permissible ingredients under part 177 of Title 21 of the Food and Drug Administration’s regulations. Therefore, they are suitable for use as articles or components of articles intended for use in producing, manufacturing, processing, preparing, treating, packing, transporting, or holding food under the provisions of regulation 177.1550. In addition, the FEP and PFA resins, which form the encapsulation of the Encap-O-Seal, Teflon® Encapsulated O-ring, are made from 100% virgin FEP or PFA resins. These resins are also acceptable ingredients under USP Class VI.

Elastomeric Energizers (Core Materials of the M-Cor Encap-O-Seal,Teflon® Encapsulated O-ring)

The core material of the Encap-O-Seal o-ring is composed either of silicone (VMQ, MVQ), EPDM (see below), or FKM/FPM (Viton® or Viton®-equivalent) elastomers.

Core Material: FKM/FPM (~Viton® or Generic FKM)

  • Standard. The FKM/FPM (~Viton® grade A) core material of the standard Encap-O-Seal,Teflon® Encapsulated o-ring is manufactured of M-COR FKM compound MCOR7228-75KV. Where applicable, the FKM (~Viton® grade A) core material meets or exceeds AMS3216F, AMS D-2000 (SAE J-200), AMS 7280, AMS 7276 and the former MILR83248 specifications. The standard FKM (~Viton® grade A) core material is not manufactured of FDA or USP class VI allowable ingredients.
  • Special-Order FDA. Encap-O-Seal o-rings with FKM/FPM core material manufactured from compounds using ingredients that are allowable under FDA Title 21 CFR 177.2600 are available as special order items. Please enquire as necessary. Minimum orders apply.
  • Special-Order USP Class VI. Encap-O-Seal o-rings with FKM/FPM core material manufactured from compounds using ingredients that are allowable USP Class VI are available as special-order items. Please enquire as necessary. Minimum orders apply.
  • Special-Order FDA and USP Class VI. Encap-O-Seal o-rings with FKM/FPM core material manufactured from compounds using ingredients that are allowable under both FDA Title 21 CFR 177.2600 and USP Class VI are available as special-order items. Please enquire as necessary. Minimum orders apply.

Core Material: VMQ/MVQ (silicone)

The silicone (VMQ/MVQ) standard core material of the Encap-O-Seal,Teflon® Encapsulated o-ring is manufactured of silicone compound MCOR-PS-2735, this compound supersedes all previous versions and exceeds ZZR specifications, red 70 durometer rubber (white silicone is also available). This compound is manufactured of ingredients that are allowable under FDA Title 21 CFR 177.2600: “Rubber articles intended for repeated use may be safely used in producing, manufacturing, processing, preparing, treating, packaging, transporting, or holding food, subject to the provisions of this section. The standard silicone (VMQ/MVQ) core material of the Encap-O-Seal has not been tested for compliance with USP Class VI protocols.

Core Material: EPDM

The EPDM core material of the Encap-O-Seal o-ring is manufactured of EPDM compound 75-81385 75 durometer rubber. This compound is manufactured of ingredients which are allowable under FDA par 177 title 21 regulation 177.2600. The standard EPDM core material of the Encap-O-Seal has not been tested for compliance with USP Class VI protocols.

All M-COR parts and material conform to directives 2002/95/EG; 2005/717 (RoHS); 2003/11/EG; 94/4EG (ATEX). In addition all the materials used as intentional ingredients in the compounds and finished products used in M-COR’s Encap-O-Seal encapsulated o-rings, i.e., PFA, FEP, FKM/FPM, EPDM, and VMQ/MVQ conform to REACH Directive regulation (EC) 1907/2006. None of these materials contains the SoVHC banned or regulated under REACH.

Neither M-COR’s FEP/PFA Encapsulated FKM/FPM, VMQ or EPDM o-rings nor the material used in their manufacture contain any raw materials produced from animal derived origin (ADE-free/ADCF). Additionally, neither the Encap-O-Seal nor its components are derived from specific-risk materials as defined in European Commission Decision 97/534/EC (TSE-BSE). The manufacturing process does not use any ingredient of animal origin nor does our product come in contact with animal products during storage. We further declare that M-COR’s Teflon FEP and PFA encapsulated o-rings are Dioxine free.

For a complete list or individual statements please inquire and we will email the appropriate information, click here for requests.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this site is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as a recommendation by M-COR for use of our products in any particular application. The purchaser and/or end-user must thoroughly and independently test the Encap-O-Seal under actual end-use conditions and independently verify satisfactory performance of the product for its intended use before specifying it in any application.



    Here is a summary of specifications met:

Specifications Met ASTM D2000, FDA Compliant 21 CFR 177.1550, FDA Compliant 21 CFR 177.2600, SAE AS568, SAE J200
Temperature Range FEP TEFLON -75° to 400° F    PFA Teflon -75 to 500 F
Color Clear with Red or Black inner ring
RoHS RoHS 3 (2015/863/EU) Compliant
REACH REACH (EC 1907/2006) (01/17/2023, 233 SVHC) Compliant
DFARS Specialty Metals COTS-Exempt
Country of Origin United States
USMCA Qualifying No
Schedule B 392690.4500